PM Shri GSSS Karola, Gurugram

Certified Teachers

PM Shri School GSSS Karola have certified and Qualified Teacher having experiance in Quaility Education

NSQF Education

To enhance skill education we have NSQF education for students in 9-12 Classes

Book & Library

PM Shri School have great collection of Library books with Text Book, Exampler Books and Freedom fighter strugle stories


We provide certification in all Trade of NSQF

Daily Order/Circular

27, Feb 2024 12412 regarding Public holiday Click

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Recents events

09, Jul 2024

Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation in PM Shri GSSS Karola

10, Jul 2024

School Campus

School Campus n PM Shri GSSS Karola

10, Jul 2024

School Gate

School Gate in PM Shri Karola

Morning Assembly

Morning Assembly is the time when the entire school community assembles at an appropriate place to affirm school's identity and aspiratons

Annual function

The annual function of the school is one the most awaited events for the students during their school life. Every child, teachers, and even parents of the students wait for the annual function of the school. Everyone gets to enjoy, celebrate, and have fun together.

Sports Activity

Sports day is an occasion where pupils, teachers, and parents come together for a day of competitive sport. Some schools choose to offer medals or prizes to the winners of the various events, but for others, participation is its own reward. In the UK, they’re typically held toward the end of the school year, in the summer term.

Life Skill Development

Exposures like summer or winter camps/Learning with Fun Camps are important for the holistic development of the children. The proposal is to organize life skill development camps for adolescent girls or SC Students during the summer / winter vacations

Handwash Day

October 15 is Global Handwashing Day, a global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives

Self-Defence programme

Self-Defence is a life skill that helps girls to be more aware of their surroundings and be prepared for the unexpected at any time. Through the Self- Defence training, the girls are taught to become psychologically, intellectually and physically strong enough to protect themselves in time of distress.